Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Downieville ~ 2008

Uncle Ryan and Kyle at the river.
Papa, Nana & Uncle Brian at the fishing hole.

The Adventurers - They were wet most of the time. They thought the boots were supposed to be filled with water!

Downieville ~ 2008

Old mining cave with LOTS of spiders!

Trevor hang on!

Beautiful Cali!

When was the last time you saw one of these?

More Downieville :)

Cards anyone?

Papa setting up the fishing gear for us.

They take after their uncles!

Downieville ~ 2008

Mom and dad took us to this great little mining town! The boys got to fish and actually caught lots of trout!
Gavin and Steve chill by the water!

Uncle Brian and the boys.

Thanks Nana!

T-Bone & Uncle Bar :)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

"Wild Things" animal park

This was an animal park that hosts celebrity animals! It was cool to see huge elephants and our guide was great. This is Trevor and me hanging with the Tiger - glad she was behind the fence!

Gavin took all of our pictures on this adventure! He did a great job even though the fence was in the way :)

Cool Hyena!

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Kyle and Trevor - Kyle was absorbing all of the sea creatures - Gavin and Trevor thought it was a race to see who could get through it first! We had a lot of fun re-learning about the Monterey Bay's eco system!

Kyle was our photographer on this trip! He did a fantastic job!

Monterey Trip ~ August 2008

We did the annual Monterey trip what fun we had! The boys love the Dennis the Menace Park.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

San Luis & Cambria California - June 2008

This is the only picture I have of my brother! We are so proud of him - Graduated with a Mathmatics degree from Cal Poly SLO!!!!! Good job Brian :)
Then we had fun playing baseball on the beach - I plan on one of those houses in the background being mine one day - I will keep dreaming!!

San Luis Obispo - June 2008

We had lots of fun at Brian's graduation including the beach!!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Smith Rock State Park - Oregon 2007

This is a must see if you go anywhere near the state of Oregon. We played there for the whole day. The boys climbed all over the place and Steve led the "commando" exploration. They had so much fun pretending to be......what ever boys pretend to be! Lucky their dad hasn't grown up yet (haha)

October trip to Oregon - amazing bridge!

The little specks on the bridge are me and Trevor :)

We got lost going to Smith Rock State park and ended up a couple of miles down the
highway - I am so glad we did - this was so beautiful!
